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Why this club? 


My friends and I met up 2-3 times a year to watch and celebrate United together in my bar. At one time or another, we thought aloud about founding a club to deepen our friendship. But somehow it never materialised.


I was also repeatedly asked whether I wanted to found a supporters' club. A lot of fans are looking for a club that will process and respond to supporters' requests as quickly as possible.

In order to become an officially recognised supporters' club of Manchester United, we had to reach a minimum number of members residing in Austria. As soon as we reached this goal, we announced it on the homepage and on social media.
Please continue to help us achieve this goal and keep the drum beating for us.

All of this made me change my mind. It was and is a lot of work. But all for our club and its fantastic supporters.


Last but not least, there has never been a homepage for our club that summarises pretty much everything. Everything had to be painstakingly searched for on various pages and read in books. We have therefore set ourselves the goal of solving this challenge as best we can. Our site should contain everything worth knowing about Manchester United for supporters from all over the world. That is the reason why we have decided in favour of a bilingual homepage. All united under one roof. One Big Red Family!


The site is constantly being updated and expanded. We are always open to suggestions and ideas. 

Of course, many of you already know a lot about the pages, but there are still a lot of people who are not so well informed or have only just joined. And that's why everyone's goal should be to bring this myth closer to United.

With this in mind, have fun with us and GGMU


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